that is the technic i mostly use on peoplel ,i try to show people how they look like when they're doing things i dont like (probably,while doing it,they feel so cool etc.)
two weeks ago,we got vaccinated at school (hepatit B),there were two nurses and a doctor (female,probably menopause :D ) dr was there to give us information about that vaccination etc, but she behaved so rude to all of us,though we did nothing to provoke her to do so,or did we?
I asked her if i could ask her sth,she strictly said "no" :S i got shocked,she was there to give us info,not to satisfy her ego.Then i didnt care and kept askin i asked if i could remove the cotton on my arm then she said:did i tell you sth about whether to remove it or not,i was like "errrr" and she kept "then this must mean you dont have to keep it" then i said,shouting,"its okay but you dont have to be this negative towards us"
she didnt say anythin yet she kept givin orders to both nurses and other students
and i went to my place,friends (!) around me ,then i started to give orders to them,copying the way she gives her orders,and exaggerating
you,go and get me a cup of tea
you,go and get my clothes from dry-cleaner :P
etc. then i got her attention and my friends told me later that she stopped givin orders and stared at me while i was copyin her,then she went out,saying nothing(and her work was done)
what i did may sound stupid to you, but believe me,it works,i wont see her again,never, but i wanted to do sth for ppl around her (nurses were secretly grinning as i was doin that,cuz i think that dr is doin what she did to us to them all the time)
she should've known why she was there and how she was supposed to behave to ppl she just met a minute a go.

she looked a little bit like Professor McGonagall,i mean that strict face,she was not this old ,though,actually considering the way she behaved,you can say that she is no more than 6 years old(I like McGonagall btw as she is just a well disciplined witch,not rude!)
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