Last night,i went to see a play called "6 haftada 6 dans(Nevra Serezli&Cihan Ünal)" with my mom,it was about soceity's impact on people's lives(thats my interpretation,of course), Lily(Nevra S.) is an old,widow woman,living alone and she decides to take dance lessons(she knows how to dance very well,though),and her teacher (Cihan Ü.) is a middle-aged gay man.They two,lie each other at first,Micheal tells her that he has a wife (just because he thinks Lilly's husband(who is a priest) wouldnt let her take lessons if he knew that Micheal was gay) and lies to Lily,then Lily finds out that he has no wife and then he confesses that he is gay,and then Micheal finds out that Lily has no husband and she lied to him just because she thought if Micheal knew that she has no husband,he would cheat,rape (!) her etc. Then at the end they turn out to be really good friends,knowing the truths about each other

and while all this happens,they do dance,too,at the end they danced to God Only Knows from Beach Boys,which reminded me of 50 First Dates(though Adam sings Wouldn't It Be Nice there,i seem to associate all Beach Boys songs with Adam Sandler after that film hahahah
Cihan Ünal was like a professinal dancer,but Nevra was not that good about dancing,anyway it was nice to watch!
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