28 Nisan 2009 Salı

for those who have read both Twilight Saga nd Harry Potter series

choose your favorite characters,they have something in common,decide which one is better at their similarities
Twilight Saga Harry Potter Series

1)Carlisle Cullen OR Albus W.B. Dumbledore -for their fathering,they know all :P
2)Alice Cullen OR Nymphadora Tonks -for being the cracked ones
3)Bella Cullen OR Hermione Granger -for being annoying at times
4)Edward Cullen OR Cedric Diggorry -for both being handsome,cool etc
5)Aro OR Cornelius Fudge -for being presidents
6)James OR Lord Voldemort -both want to kill the main charc
7)Renesmee Cullen OR Albus Severus Potter -for being the children of the main ch.
8)Victoria OR Bellatrix Lestrange -they want to take revenges
9)Irina OR Peter Pettigrew -both betrayed their friends
10)Seth OR Colin Cravey(!) -for being simple-minded guys :S
11)Alec OR Draco Malfoy -for being the children of the bad sides
12)Esme Cullen OR Molly Weasley -for their mothering
13)Jacob Black OR Ronald Weasley -for easily becoming angry
14)Cullen's Home OR The Burrow -------------
15)Immortality OR Magical powers --------

1)Abus Dumbledore (sorry Carlisle,you can be best friends,or a couple,mmm)
2)Nymphadora Tonks(punkie)
3)Hermione Granger
4)Edward Cullen (üüüüüüüü)
5)Aro(Coward Vampire hahha )...
6)Lord Voldemort,of course
7)Albus Severus Potter,i may have selected Renesmee for her gift but her name is just SO bad that i cant even bear hearing it
8)Bellatrix Lestrange(insane)
9)Irina (you deserved it)
11)Draco Malfoy
12)Molly Weasley (sorry Esme,that name thing again :P )
13)BOTH(jacob slightly more maybe )
14)The Burrow (i dont like luxury but i dont count Carlisle's library)
15)Magical Powers (i want to sleep sometimes ok?)

harry potter is better,dont compare them or admit hp is better
we all like Edward,as he is likeable,you dont put much effort to love Edward cuz the writer describes him soooooo.....
but in Harry case that is different,i decided that what made us like Twiligth Series was Edward's being great and our interest for vampire thing but after finishing the last book you see that Stephenie could have done this better,she was just not enuf

21 Nisan 2009 Salı

Berlin Wall :S

Bugün ukla academy de dil sınavı oldum,upper-intermediate ı bitirmişim ama advancedsin de demediler neyim blmiorum yani upper-intermediate ı bitirmiş olmak diye bi level varsa işte oyum:S
grammar,speaking çok ii geçti ama writing de sçtm diyeblirim,nasıl yazıcağımdan ziyade ne yazıcamm diye kafayı yedim, gelmedi aklıma bişe ve sonucta saçma salak şeyler yazdım,sonra kuzenim de orda dil kursuna gdiyo hocasının adı da Steve ve kuzenim benden bahsetmiş ona,görürsen görüş demişti,bende görünce orda direk atlayıp, salak salak konuşamayıp (!) üstelikte türkçe :D kendimi rezil ettim,ama o zaten alışkınmış,öyle dedi kuzenim :D niye böyle oldu bende bilmiyorum :P
bunun dışında da bişe olmadı,burayı günlük olarak tutarsam,günlerim çok sıkıcı olduğundan benm yaşarken sıkıldıım gibi okuyanlar da (eğer varsa) sıkılcak bu yüzden ağırlığı diğer şeylere vericem yazdıklarımda

meselaaaaaaaa hoşlaştığım resimlerden birini koyucam şmd

bu resimdeki kadını kendimle özdeşleştiriyorum,duvar berlin duvarı(almanyada-idi)ve kadın büyük ihtimalle duvarın ayırdığı tutucu kısımda yer alıyo, diğer tarafta ki hayata özeniyo ya da sevgsline,çocuğuna bakıyoda olablilir ama ben düşünmek istediğim gibi düşünüyorum,istediği şey herneyse orayla arasında aşılmaz bir duvar var ve o sadece gizli bi şekilde ufak bi delikten istediği şeye bakarak kendini tatmin etmeye çalışıyo,bende çoğu şeyde bi bakıma bunu yapıyorum,neler de olduğuna girmicem o da çok özel olur :P öyle paylaşmak istedim sadece

20 Nisan 2009 Pazartesi

6 Dance Lessons in 6 Weeks

i didn't go to school today as i felt really tired when i woke up at 6 in the morning:S ,so i was home all day,studying,eating(:S) etc.

Last night,i went to see a play called "6 haftada 6 dans(Nevra Serezli&Cihan Ünal)" with my mom,it was about soceity's impact on people's lives(thats my interpretation,of course), Lily(Nevra S.) is an old,widow woman,living alone and she decides to take dance lessons(she knows how to dance very well,though),and her teacher (Cihan Ü.) is a middle-aged gay man.They two,lie each other at first,Micheal tells her that he has a wife (just because he thinks Lilly's husband(who is a priest) wouldnt let her take lessons if he knew that Micheal was gay) and lies to Lily,then Lily finds out that he has no wife and then he confesses that he is gay,and then Micheal finds out that Lily has no husband and she lied to him just because she thought if Micheal knew that she has no husband,he would cheat,rape (!) her etc. Then at the end they turn out to be really good friends,knowing the truths about each other

and while all this happens,they do dance,too,at the end they danced to God Only Knows from Beach Boys,which reminded me of 50 First Dates(though Adam sings Wouldn't It Be Nice there,i seem to associate all Beach Boys songs with Adam Sandler after that film hahahah

Cihan Ünal was like a professinal dancer,but Nevra was not that good about dancing,anyway it was nice to watch!


19 Nisan 2009 Pazar

Bloody Sunday

moralimn sıfırın altında olduu iğrenc bi pazar günü
sabah erken kalk,dersaneye/okula git bi daha gitmicem dediin halde yine burger a git(pişman ol)
hadi bu üçü artık "sıradan sıkıcı olaylar" ama canımı en çok netten yaptığım ielts denemesi sıktı
ilk defa yaptım,soruları ilk defa gördüm yani YDS den farklı,daha çok kapsamlı ,ve çok zorlandım yaparım sanıyodum,ama soru tiplerine alışık olmadıımdan zorlandım,şimdi bi de başıma ielts kursuna gitme işi çıktı,ne zaman gidiceğim de belli değil,salı günü deneme olmak için bi hede academy e gdicem rezil olcam gelicem büyük ihtimalle,orda asıl kaç puan yapıorum onu görücem ama kursa ne zaman başlamalıyım bilmiyorum,şuan olmaz asla hemde cnkü dha mö.s.s den falan eksik konular var,mö.s.s yds zırvası bittikten sonra da sadece 22 hazirandan 3 temmuza kadar bi kursa gitme vaktim oluyo bu da yeter mi bilmiyorum,tek deneme şansımı gubidik 3-4 günlk çalışmayla boşa harcamak istemiyorum.
ve tabii bütün gün malak gibi bunları düşünüp, tasarlarken moralimin bozuk olduunu anneme çaktırmamaya çalışma durumum var,-ki bu hafta gitceği geziyi benim yüzümden iptal etmesin hem o gezsin,eğlensin hem ben bikaç gün tek kafa mı dinliim.

18 Nisan 2009 Cumartesi


Half-Blood Prince i biran önce görmek istememe rağmen,temmuz ayında vizyona gircek olması biraz da işime geldi, mayıs,haziran aylarında olsaydı başıma gelecek olan olayları hemen sıralaya
cevabı olmayan,olan,saçma olan sorular;düşünceler;bitmek bilmeyen hayaller:
1)Fuck this,i'm going to Hogwarts (you can find this group on fb)
2)Neden böyle bi dünya yok?
3)Neden böyle bi dünya'nın yaratılmasında hiç bi katkım yok (film,kitap)?
4)Neden Dumbledore, Fred-George ve Sirius gibi tanıdıklarım yok
<----5)Neden Lilly Snape'i sallamadı, bok mu vardı James te?
6)Helena Bonham Carter a tapmama rağmen,neden Bellatrix karakterine onu oturtamadım?
7)Dumbledore gerçekten çok yetenekli miydi yoksa sadece çok iyi biri miydi?(Asasının marifetlerini öğrendik ne de olsa )
8)Bir gün Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlor'ında dondurma yedikten sonra Knockturn Alley'e gidip sinir olduklarım için magical işkence aletleri almışım.....(türevleri..)
9)Leicester Square de ki rezil (6 saat cast ı bekleme,yağmur yağması,tipin kaydıı o sıralar da tv muhabrlerinn gelip eet burda kaç saattir bekliosunuz v.s gibi utanç duymamı sağlayan soruları) ama o rezalete deli gibi değicek(Helena,J.K,... boru mu) saatleri yeniden yaşamaya çalşmak
10)Görüp saldırmiim die gözümün önünden kaldırdığım kitaplarıma aç köpek gibi yeniden gömülmem
11)The complete IDIOT'S guide to the world of Harry Potter ı başucu kitabım yapmam
12)Fanfiction okumaya başlamam,yazmaya yeltenmem (herkesin kitabı birden aşk kitabına çevirmesine gıcık olup ama kendi yazdıımda da Bellatrix'le Voldemort'u kırıştırtmam)
13)Merope nick li ekşi yazarını bulup,saatlerce snape hakkında konuşmak istemem
14))Bişeyi almaya üşendiim zaman "accio hede" diye bağırıp 2-3 sn umutla gelmesini beklemem . . . . .

Bütün bu düşünce/soruları haziran ayında sorcak olsaydım.......
1)Y.D.S,MÖ.S.S,IELTS...love y'all
2)10 yaşından beri aynı soruları sorup,aynı hayalleri kurup bi sonuc alınamamasının vermiş olduğu korkunç sıkıntı
3)Milletin yine mi Gökçe,bırak artık diye söylenmesi
4)10 yaşındaki gıcık kuzenimin abla (nefret ederim abla lafından,çok kıro gelir,deme abla diorm ama demekte ısrar etmesnn nedenini sıftaında verdm zaten sanrm) ben heri poturu çok seviorum sen de di mi,diye sormasını hatırlayıp abartıyo muyum diye düşünüp yine kendimi sıkmam
v.s gibi olayları yaşıcaktım,çoğu zaten yine yaşancak temmuzda da olsa mayısta da,ama MÖ.S.S YDS ve Ieltsten ii puan alma planlarıma iyi bi giricekti.

16 Nisan 2009 Perşembe


if you have enough time,info about the thing that is asked,why wouldn't you help someone that needs helpp!!Ive been askin people about "it"(wont reveal it now ) yet they just dont seem to care,fuck off,i'll tell you what you need when you ask me then you'll feel embrassed
that is the technic i mostly use on peoplel ,i try to show people how they look like when they're doing things i dont like (probably,while doing it,they feel so cool etc.)
two weeks ago,we got vaccinated at school (hepatit B),there were two nurses and a doctor (female,probably menopause :D ) dr was there to give us information about that vaccination etc, but she behaved so rude to all of us,though we did nothing to provoke her to do so,or did we?
I asked her if i could ask her sth,she strictly said "no" :S i got shocked,she was there to give us info,not to satisfy her ego.Then i didnt care and kept askin i asked if i could remove the cotton on my arm then she said:did i tell you sth about whether to remove it or not,i was like "errrr" and she kept "then this must mean you dont have to keep it" then i said,shouting,"its okay but you dont have to be this negative towards us"
she didnt say anythin yet she kept givin orders to both nurses and other students
and i went to my place,friends (!) around me ,then i started to give orders to them,copying the way she gives her orders,and exaggerating
you,go and get me a cup of tea
you,go and get my clothes from dry-cleaner :P
etc. then i got her attention and my friends told me later that she stopped givin orders and stared at me while i was copyin her,then she went out,saying nothing(and her work was done)
what i did may sound stupid to you, but believe me,it works,i wont see her again,never, but i wanted to do sth for ppl around her (nurses were secretly grinning as i was doin that,cuz i think that dr is doin what she did to us to them all the time)
she should've known why she was there and how she was supposed to behave to ppl she just met a minute a go.

she looked a little bit like Professor McGonagall,i mean that strict face,she was not this old ,though,actually considering the way she behaved,you can say that she is no more than 6 years old(I like McGonagall btw as she is just a well disciplined witch,not rude!)

15 Nisan 2009 Çarşamba

wasted years

bu yıl lise sondayım ve biran önce şu okulun bitp gitmesinden başka istediğim bişey yok
4 yıl boyunca hergün lanet ederek gittiğim, 7-8 tane gerizekalıyla dolu(zaten sınıf 11 kişi),ders işlenmeyen(işlenilen zamanlar da hocaların bilgisinden çoğu zaman tatmin olmadığım ),akşama kadar seviyesiz geyikler yapılan bi mekan,hafta da 13 saatlik ingilizce derslerinden 2 tanesi işleniyosa ne ala,yaptığım kendimi ortamdan soyutlama çabalarım (müzik,kitap,test) mp3 player ın her zaman şarjının bitmesi ve hiç kesilmeyen sinir bozucu seslerden teste,kitaba da konsantre olamadığım için başarısızlıkla sonuclanıyr
Bugün 240 dk lık program da toplam işlenilen ders 20 dk,220 dk bomboş ve bu 3 yıldır çoğu zaman böyle, M.E.B a burdan selamlarımı yollar yukardan saç toplasınlar,şunu bunu giymesinler diye bıdı bıdı ötüceklerine önce kendi sorumsuz,tembel eğitim-öğretim görevlilerine (!) bi çekidüzen vermelerini öneririm.

14 Nisan 2009 Salı

Skins-Series 1-2-Guys

i watched all series of Skins and i want to share my opinion about characters now,im gonna start with guys

Tony:Çemçükk ağızlı,thats how my friend casot calls him hahah.Tony is a hard-working and handsome guy,who (in series 1) doesnt give a damn about his girlfriend, Michelle,and he is nascissit,Though Tony is someone i woudlnt like to have around me that much in real life,in skins,i love this character,its nice to watch him

I like Tony;
When he calls Michelle,nips
When (in series two)he becomes so determined to be normal again

i watched unseen skins on youtube and there was a video called:Tony's Nigthmare (im not sure about the video's name,though) and in that video i like the colour of his eyes very much :S

aaaaand i felt,nonsensically, happy when i learned that Nick (Tony) and Kaya (Effie) were datin in real life.

Sid:In Skins,writers love to make things complicated, Sid loves Michelle(Tony's gf),Michelle loves Tony and Tony loves himself and all girls(including Michelle),Sid is a character who primarily,loves his best mate's gf then loves someone else,Cassie,i think Cassie is much better than Michelle for Sid,as Cass cares more about him and in the end he understands that

I like Sid;

when he finds out who is better for him
when he goes back to help Tony though he doesnt have to
and i felt sorry for Sid when Cassie went to Scotland,as at that time he was beginnin to realize that he loved her
i like sid's glasses and his dirty beret

Anwar:Anwar is a horny,Pakistani guy,he is Maxxie's best mate and a muslim,although formerly he thinks he shouldnt hang out with Maxxie as he is gay,then he doesnt give a fuck about this fact and at the end of the series,he goes to London with Maxxie and Maxxie's new boyfriend
And he likes Sketch,im gonna write things about Sketch later

i like Anwar:

when he jokes around
when he acts so childish but cute when he meets Sketch in a restaurant (unseen skins)
When he decides his friendship with Maxxie is important enough to ignore that he is gay

Maxxie:Maxxie is the gay character of Skins and he is the best mate of Anwar,he is easy-going and he likes tap-dancing,he actually likes all sort of dance.Sketch likes him but he doesnt like her and he finds his boyrfiend in the end.

I like Maxxie:

when he smiles
when he offers Anwar to go to London with him
when he gives a chance to Sketch to see that he really doesnt like girls

Chris:Chris is my favourite character,he could be my best mate or bf hahahh,he doesnt care what ppl say,he (in series 1) loves his psychology teacher Angie.Angie is older than him and the only charachter in skins series whom i dont like.
Chris has lots of problems,with his parents,with Angie then with Jal etc.But he always manages to act like hes havin fun,.Expelled from college he finds a job and starts working there and then he finds out that he likes Jal

and thennnn i want to say this with just one sentece as its really bad
then he dies at the end of the series 2

i like Chris:
when he says "fuck it"
even when he wears all that stupid clothes
when he gives up on Angie
when he finds that little cutie house for him and Jal(nobody likes that home but ican live there with Chris forever)hahahaha

13 Nisan 2009 Pazartesi


human being..youre so evil,thougthless,moody...
should i care about those ill have to leave behind or should i do what they want me to do and be a camel?
i have seen enough to make my desicion,lately ive been thinking that everyone cant be this careless and this ignorant and this wrong,whomever i met i always find sth wrong with them,im trying to be optimistic about this or try not to think about them but how can you do that when you have to be with them all the time. anyway i was saying they all cant be this wrong so there must be sth wrong with me,and i need to do sth about this,i should do what you do and then maybe your mistakes wouldnt seem so wrong,i should be thougthless,calculating,liar,whore,narcissist...all of these would make me someone who can get on well with you,but when i think it over again--,i hate you not only because of the things youve done/do to me but also cuz of the things you do to other people and if i became someone like you,i would lose my respect to myself and i would definetly hate myself,too
i dont know which one is worse,just hating myself or hating you all?it seems like i only have two options so i need to decide on best of the worst

i was born with the wrong sign
in the wrong house with the wrong ascendancy
i took the wrong road
that led to the wrong tendencies
i was in the wrong place at the wrong time
for the wrong reason and the wrong rhyme
on the wrong day of the wrong week
i used the wrong method with the wrong technique

there’s something wrong with me chemically
something wrong with me inherently
the wrong mix in the wrong genes
i reached the wrong ends by the wrong means
it was the wrong plan
in the wrong hands
with the wrong theory for the wrong man
the wrong lies, on the wrong vibes
the wrong questions with the wrong replies
wrong wrong

i was marching to the wrong drum
with the wrong scum pissing out the wrong energy
using all the wrong lines and the wrong signs with the wrong intensity
i was on the wrong page of the wrong book
with the wrong rendition of the wrong hook
made the wrong move, every wrong night
with the wrong tune played till it sounded right yah

seems like it was me who wrote the lyrics
sorry for talkin about these unlovely things in my first blog but today what i wanted to share was this.