i realized that i'm still trying to find the reason why i couldn't go to England.I tend to think it like this; i wanted to go badly, and i tried really hard to go, all those exams etc, but i failed in the last minute,by that time,i faced lots of difficulties and none of them were because of me, so what i'm tryin to say is that there was some kind of a power that kept ruining things for me.If you had to take ten steps to achieve it then i took 9 steps waiting, crying..as for the tenth step, i couldn't do anything about it.I just had to wait and i did, shit came out eventually.
ehemmmm,now i'll stop whining about it and will write about what this Power may be.I think that someone, anyone whom i don't know now, needed me here or wanted me to stay here to feel better and s/he wanted this ,somehow,more than i wanted to go,so his/her needs were/are more urgent than mine so my request was blockedIt is obvious that it was blocked, every student entering Brunel uni wrote a personal statement, sent their transcripts and waited for the offer for about 3 weeks.What i had done was completely different from this.
I meet lots of people now because its a new city, new uni, new way of life and i'm trying to find that person.S/he better have a reasonable need!!
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