happy birthday to me
16th may was my birthday,and now im 18 :) Although,at first i didn't want to celebrate it for some stupid (!) reasons now i can easily say that im glad i did it,and im so eager to write about that night here :)
On Thursday me and Müge went to find a appropriate bar/club to celebrate my b-day,I was hopeless to find somewhere i like, though.We came acroos a bar that Merve talked about it the other day,saying her friend's friend was its owner and i should go and see there,we got in and i liked the place,it is not that big,i liked it being so and drinks rnot expensive so i thought yeah its the best i can find :D the manager (i guess) told me that there would be a DJ,i was ok with this as i wanted to dance silly but i quickly asked him if they were playing those Turkish songs (like Serdar Ortaç etc ıggghh) he said no no no,we dont,i said ok,and went to order a B-day cake,as there was not a brochure about what they can make and as i decided to do these in the last minute i simply ordered a cake for 15ppl and told them to write 18th on it all in pink hahah after arranging this,i went back to mee
t my friends and had hubble-bubble with mint,i wanted to get back home early as i had planned to dye my hair (to red) that night,mom did it,she did it well this time, the last time she dyed my hair (to black) she was angry with me about smth i dont remember now and after she had dyed it,i could see some shining red bits on my head hahaha that's the new hair,i just took it for you :P <------(nobody follows my blog though haghhf) the next day i woke up early to get ready for school,though im finished with there now,i still have to go there at times to give mom's petition which indicates that she does know that i dont go to school any more to get ready for MÖ.SS and YDS,anyway i gave it to a bitch called C*N* :D and got my transcript and reference letters AT LASTTT,after waiting for 2 hours for school manager to come and sign my transcript etc,i was all done with school,then met my mom to go to the hairdresser's (i could have killed the man,as when i got back to home,my hair didnt look so different from the way it had been before i went to the hairdresser's and i had to straighten it :@) and i bought these high-heeled shoes......
16th may was my birthday,and now im 18 :) Although,at first i didn't want to celebrate it for some stupid (!) reasons now i can easily say that im glad i did it,and im so eager to write about that night here :)
On Thursday me and Müge went to find a appropriate bar/club to celebrate my b-day,I was hopeless to find somewhere i like, though.We came acroos a bar that Merve talked about it the other day,saying her friend's friend was its owner and i should go and see there,we got in and i liked the place,it is not that big,i liked it being so and drinks rnot expensive so i thought yeah its the best i can find :D the manager (i guess) told me that there would be a DJ,i was ok with this as i wanted to dance silly but i quickly asked him if they were playing those Turkish songs (like Serdar Ortaç etc ıggghh) he said no no no,we dont,i said ok,and went to order a B-day cake,as there was not a brochure about what they can make and as i decided to do these in the last minute i simply ordered a cake for 15ppl and told them to write 18th on it all in pink hahah after arranging this,i went back to mee
home again to get ready and i waited for two of my friends to come to my home as i didnt want to go to Angel alone,they came (late) and we took our way to there,when we reached Angel,there was live music,some guys were playing shitty shitty songs and i prayed that it would end before my friends came and it luckily ended :clap
i recognized a guy working there,and i liked him and kept talking to him hahaha the more i got drunk the cuter he seemed (esp when he laughed) and all of my friends were aware of this of course,laughing even when i asked him to bring the cake :D the music was shit,i must say,began with good songs then i can even remember hearing Serdar falan :D,but i get that you dont mind that much about it when youre errr drunk,anyway we soon realized that it was a gay bar hahhaha, i didnt mind having them around but some of my friends did and as we didnt want to miss the last boat to KSK we had to leave,of course i didnt want to leave(had plans in my mind) then mete told me that if i liked he could told him to come with us, he did this to persuade me to go out :D i said OK and i dont remember much after that we came home,Gizem put me to her bed,and the only thing that i remember before closing my eyes is guy's playing a game on computer.
the next day,i got up 6 in the morning i guess,everyone was sleeping,so i tried to sleep more and thought about the previous night,all seemed so blurry at first but then i started to remember things in order,scenes flashing up in my head,me hating the music,me throwing up,me opening my presents and liking them and me talking to the guy...
though it was still early,i was dying to know more about what happened the previous night and i went to the room where gizem and ekin slept and they told me that mete talked to him,said him that one of his friends liked him and the guy asked is it a girl?and when mete said YES he said that he was GAY,i was like "whattttt"
i wanted to hear all these again from metes mouth and we went to wake guys up,and talked about this,all said"dont be stupid etc". i said fine but yesterday's main topic was HIM,him being gay,him being rabbit face etc.
now ı plan to go there again as i dont think he is gay :S we'll see whatll happen next time i go there,probably this Tuesday. pff
I REGRET REGRET not taking any photos that night, i feel so bad about it,me or my friends could have taken some photos but we didnt,i was after smth else,and it seems like they were so as well
Note:Casot has three lovely kittens (watched a video of them,they looked very small ) she named them Vince(Noir),Shinigami and Minerva i guess,,i say i guess cuz she changed their name a lot,for example Shinigami's name was Gökçe once hahaha
now ı plan to go there again as i dont think he is gay :S we'll see whatll happen next time i go there,probably this Tuesday. pff
I REGRET REGRET not taking any photos that night, i feel so bad about it,me or my friends could have taken some photos but we didnt,i was after smth else,and it seems like they were so as well
Note:Casot has three lovely kittens (watched a video of them,they looked very small ) she named them Vince(Noir),Shinigami and Minerva i guess,,i say i guess cuz she changed their name a lot,for example Shinigami's name was Gökçe once hahaha
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